Two year guarantee and free lifetime repair service
We stand for the high quality of our bags, including leather, finishes and craftsmanship. In the unlikely event your handbag needs repair due to a manufacturing fault (e.g. something needs to be restitched, a hardware detail breaks etc) within 24 months of the purchase date, we will provide you with a return shipping label, repair your bag and ship it back to your chosen address free of charge*. We will strive to repair your item as soon as possible, however, please allow up to 30 days depending on the nature of the repair.
Normal wear and tear, items damaged due to an accident or improper use, or items that are deemed delicate, are not covered by the guarantee. Normal wear and tear includes leather marks or stains, stretching and softening of the bag’s shape, patina and cracks in the edge paint. Improper use includes overloading or overfilling the bag, misshaping due to improper storage or exposing the bag to strong light, excessive heat, frost or humidity. Delicate items include certain decorations as well as certain types of leathers, for example nubuck and suede. Please read our Naledi Copenhagen Handbag Care Guide and contact us if you have any questions about caring for your bag.
We want our products to be used and loved as long as possible. Therefore, we offer a free lifetime repair service for all Naledi Copenhagen items. The item should be delivered to and picked up from us. We can provide you a quote for the shipping costs if you are unable to deliver the item to us or to pick it up. Please note, should your style be discontinued, it may not be possible to replace hardware such as chains, locks etc.
You are always welcome to reach out to us via email We will unfortunately not be able to remove your child’s Picasso drawn on your bag, or chew marks from your four-legged family member, but we can help with almost everything else. Include brief explanation of the problem, photos, clearly showing the fault, and a copy of your purchase receipt. We strive to respond to all messages within 48 hours.
* Free shipping service is offered in EU only. For other destinations, the client is responsible for shipping and any possible taxes and duties.